Perspectives on the Old Saxon Heliand
Edited by Valentine A. Pakis
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Cross and Cruciform in the Anglo-Saxon World
Sarah Larratt Keefer, Karen Louise Jolly, and Catherine E. Karkov
David H. Sutton
Hearts of Gold
J. McHenry Jones
Edited by John Ernest and Eric Gardner
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Old South, New South, or Down South?
Edited by Irvin D. S. Winsboro
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The Pale Light of Sunset
Lee Maynard
Defending the Homeland
Edited by Melinda M. Hicks and C. Belmont Keeney
Bringing Down the Mountains
Shirley Stewart Burns
Pursuing Opportunities through Partnerships
Edited by Bruce A. Behringer, Bert C. Bach, Howard C. Daudistel, James W. Fraser, Jill Kriesky, and Gerald E. Lang
Leading the Public University
David C. Hardesty, Jr.
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Paradox Hill
Louise McNeill
Edited by A.E. Stringer
Vivid Companion
Irene McKinney
Finding a Clear Path
Jim Minick
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Hollows, Peepers, and Highlanders
George Constantz
Woody Plants in Winter
Earl L. Core and Nelle P. Ammons
Macrofungi Associated with Oaks of Eastern North America
Denise Binion, Steve Stephenson, William Roody, Harold H. Burdsall, Jr., Orson K. Miller, Jr., and Larissa Vasilyeva
Spring Wildflowers of West Virginia, 3rd edition
Earl L. Core
Clash of Loyalties
John W. Shaffer
Blackwater Chronicle
Philip Pendleton Kennedy
Edited by Timothy Sweet
The Historical Atlas of West Virginia
Frank S. Riddel
Governor William Glasscock and Progressive Politics in West Virginia
Gary Jackson Tucker