Saharan Winds Joanna Allan
American Energy Cinema Edited by Robert Lifset, Raechel Lutz, and Sarah Stanford-McIntyre
Ecologies of a Storied Planet in the Anthropocene Serpil Oppermann
Almanac for the Anthropocene Edited by Phoebe Wagner and Brontë Christopher Wieland
Rogues in the Postcolony Stacey Balkan
Cannel Coal Oil Days Theophile Maher Edited by Edward Watts
Engaging the Atom Edited by Arne Kaijser, Markku Lehtonen, Jan-Henrik Meyer, and Mar Rubio-Varas
Transportation and the Culture of Climate Change Edited by Tatiana Prorokova-Konrad
I'm Afraid of that Water Edited by Luke Eric Lassiter, Brian A. Hoey, and Elizabeth Campbell
Energy Culture Imre Szeman and Jeff Diamanti
Governing the Wind Energy Commons Keith A. Taylor
Capitalist Pigs J. L. Anderson
On Petrocultures Imre Szeman
Never Justice, Never Peace Lon Kelly Savage and Ginny Savage Ayers
Oil and Urbanization on the Pacific Coast Michael R. Adamson
After Coal Tom Hansell
The Argument about Things in the 1980s Tim Jelfs
The Book of the Dead Muriel Rukeyser
Ecologists and Environmental Politics Stephen Bocking
Untapped Nathaniel G. Chapman, J. Slade Lellock, and Cameron D. Lippard
Oil and Nation Stephen C. Cote
After Oil Imre Szeman and the Petrocultures Research Group
Ecological Governance Bruce Jennings
George Washington Written Upon the Land Philip Levy