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white background with blue text and image of a red and white target with blue arrows, one arrow pinning a diploma to the target center

An Accidental Triumph
Sol Gittleman

red, orange, and blue text on a blue background with a photo of college students working in groups in a library

Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom
Robert Eaton, Steven V.
Hunsaker, and Bonnie Moon

White text on purple, pink, orange, green, and blue stripes with faint geometric patterns in the background

Inclusive Teaching
Kelly A. Hogan and
Viji Sathy

light green background with broken pink chalk in the center; title in white, subtitle and editor name in teal

Picture a Professor
Edited by Jessamyn Neuhaus

Teaching Matters book cover: pink, blue, orange, and yellow geometric shapes

Teaching Matters
Aeron Haynie and
Stephanie Spong

Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology book cover: Book title and subtitle in red, white, orange, and pink against an orange background

Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology
Michelle D. Miller

Minding Bodies cover

Minding Bodies
Susan Hrach

Skim, Dive, Surface cover

Skim, Dive, Surface
Jenae Cohn

Ungrading cover

Edited by Susan D. Blum
With a foreword by Alfie Kohn

Radical Hope
Kevin M. Gannon

Geeky Pedagogy
Jessamyn Neuhaus


Intentional Tech
Derek Bruff


Teaching about Race and
Racism in the College

Cyndi Kernahan


Meaningful Grading: A Guide for Faculty in the Arts
Natasha Haugnes, Hoag Holmgren, and Martin Springborg

How Humans Learn: The Science
and Stories behind Effective College Teaching

Joshua R. Eyler

Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education
Thomas J. Tobin and Kirsten T. Behling

Teaching the Literature Survey Course
Edited by Gwynn Dujardin, James M. Lang, and John A. Staunton

The Rope Swing

The Spark of Learning 
Sarah Rose Cavanagh