This Book Is Free and Yours to Keep Connie Banta, Kristin DeVault-Juelfs, Destinee Harper, Katy Ryan, Ellen Skirvin
The Madison Women Amanda E. Hayes
I Hate It Here, Please Vote For Me Matthew Ferrence
Hell's Not Far Off Josh Howard
Finding the Singing Spruce Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth
Community across Time Rebecca Godwin
The Fifth Border State Scott A. MacKenzie
Another Appalachia Neema Avashia
African American Workers and the Appalachian Coal Industry Joe William Trotter Jr.
The Harlan Renaissance William H. Turner
On Dark and Bloody Ground Anne T. Lawrence
Rock Climbing in Kentucky's Red River Gorge James N. Maples
A Union for Appalachian Healthcare Workers John Hennen
Past Titan Rock Ellesa Clay High
Cannel Coal Oil Days Theophile Maher Edited by Edward Watts
So Much to Be Angry About Shaun Slifer
Remaking Appalachia Nicholas F. Stump
Studio Window: The Prints of Grace Martin Taylor Robert Bridges and Kristina Olson
Blanche Lazzell: The Hofmann Drawings Robert Bridges and Kristina Olson
Appalachian Englishes in the Twenty-First Century Edited by Kirk Hazen
The Opioid Epidemic and US Culture Edited by Travis D. Stimeling
Bluegrass Ambassadors Paul O. Jenkins
The Road to Blair Mountain Charles B. Keeney
Storytelling in Queer Appalachia Edited by Hillery Glasby, Sherrie Gradin, and Rachael Ryerson