Editor: John B. Lamb, West Virginia University
E-ISSN: 1530-7190
Print ISSN: 0042-5206
Frequency: Quarterly
Beginning with volume 61, issue 4 (to be published in spring 2024), Victorian Poetry will be published by Johns Hopkins University Press. Inquiries about volume 62 (2024) should be directed to William Breichner, journals publisher at Johns Hopkins University Press (wbreich1@jh.edu).
Founded in 1962 to further the aesthetic study of the poetry of the Victorian Period in Britain (1830–1914), Victorian Poetry publishes articles from a broad range of theoretical and critical angles, including but not confined to new historicism, feminism, and social and cultural issues. The journal has expanded its purview from the major figures of Victorian England (Tennyson, Browning, the Rossettis, etc.) to a wider compass of poets of all classes and gender identifications in nineteenth-century Britain and the Commonwealth. Victorian Poetry is edited by John B. Lamb and sponsored by the Department of English at West Virginia University.
Current issues of Victorian Poetry are available to institutions throughout the United States and worldwide through Project Muse, which has published it in its electronic databases since 2000. Users may search at the article level, view related articles, and be informed of upcoming material with an RSS feed. Both PDF and HTML forms are available. Back issues of the journal from its inception in 1963 until five years from the current date are now mounted electronically in JSTOR’s Arts and Sciences V package.
For more information, contact journal editor Devin Garofalo at victorianpoetryjournal@gmail.com