Cutover Capitalism Jason L. Newton
The Madison Women Amanda E. Hayes
Hell's Not Far Off Josh Howard
The Fifth Border State Scott A. MacKenzie
African American Workers and the Appalachian Coal Industry Joe William Trotter Jr.
On Dark and Bloody Ground Anne T. Lawrence
Rock Climbing in Kentucky's Red River Gorge James N. Maples
A Union for Appalachian Healthcare Workers John Hennen
Engaging the Atom Edited by Arne Kaijser, Markku Lehtonen, Jan-Henrik Meyer, and Mar Rubio-Varas
So Much to Be Angry About Shaun Slifer
The Road to Blair Mountain Charles B. Keeney
Beyond Populism Edited by Jeff Maskovsky and Sophie Bjork-James
Famine in the Remaking Stian Rice
Wheeling's Polonia William Hal Gorby
Modern Moonshine Edited by Cameron D. Lippard and Bruce E. Stewart
Smell and History Edited by Mark M. Smith
Capitalist Pigs J. L. Anderson
Walter F. White: The NAACP's Ambassador for Racial Justice Robert L. Zangrando and Ronald L. Lewis
Never Justice, Never Peace Lon Kelly Savage and Ginny Savage Ayers
Marked Unmarked Remembered Andrew Lichtenstein and Alex Lichtenstein
The Industrialist and the Mountaineer Ronald L. Lewis
Memorializing Motherhood Katharine Lane Antolini
The Antebellum Kanawha Salt Business and Western Markets John E. Stealey
Cast in Deathless Bronze Donald Tunnicliff Rice