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Publish with WVU Press

Authors who would like West Virginia University Press to consider their work for publication should contact

General guidelines for proposals are below. Email inquiries only. Please do not phone the office to discuss proposals or submissions, and please do not mail hard copies of your proposal or manuscript. We will not return mailed submissions. 

Guidelines for literary short fiction, fiction, and creative nonfiction submissions are here

Preparing a Book Proposal

Proposals should include, at a minimum, the following information:

  1. An overview of the book including:
    • A summary of the book’s main argument, themes, and goals
    • A comparison of your book to others
    • A description of the target audience for your book
  2. An annotated table of contents
  3. Sample chapters, preferably including the introduction and at least one substantive chapter
  4. Current curriculum vitae or biographical information
  5. Manuscript specifics, including estimated length, delivery date, and any special requirements (e.g., artwork, tables, photographs, film stills)
  6. Contact information for you, including mailing address, phone, and e-mail address

We do our best to respond to submissions in a timely manner, but due to our staff size and the steady flow of proposal submissions, our review of your proposal may take several weeks or months. Email inquiries to only. We cannot respond to phone calls or to mailed proposals or manuscripts. 

Resources for Authors and Writers:

Alfred Fortunato and Susan Rabiner, Thinking Like Your Editor: How to Write Great Serious Nonfiction and Get It Published (WW Norton, 2003)

William Germano, From Dissertation to Book (University of Chicago Press, 2005)

William Germano, Getting It Published, 2nd Edition: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Serious Books (University of Chicago Press, 2008)

Beth Luey, Handbook for Academic Authors (Cambridge University Press, 2002)
Beth Luey, Revising Your Dissertation: Advice from Leading Editors (University of California Press, 2007)